Ian McCain, Economic Development Manager John Kraus, Community Development Fellow

Kelly Rd COM Event Flyer Final-page-001

Since Fall 2023, representatives from the cities of Eastpointe, Detroit, and Harper Woods and other members of the Kelly Road Corridor Improvement Steering Committee have been working on conceptual designs for Kelly Road from 7 Mile to 10 Mile to create a safer, more vibrant corridor. The conceptual redesign is aimed at including:

  • improved public spaces, seating and lighting options,
  • better multi-modal transportation pathways and safer traffic circulation, and
  • added landscaping and green stormwater infrastructure.

The redesign options have been guided by 'complete street' standards and incorporate strategies, proven effective by the 'vision zero', to eliminate traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.

In addition to the streetscape redesign, the committee has been working on a comprehensive Corridor Improvement Plan that also focuses on way to further uplift existing and support potential new businesses and real estate development opportunities.

At this stage, feel free to review the draft plan here. Eastpointe and Harper Woods look forward to continue engaging with you in the next phase of this process. Stay tuned and check back to this page for future updates!

If were unable to attend our March 21 Open House event, please review the recorded presentation from the event, complete the survey, and contact the Economic Development Department if you have any questions.